A quick note to point out: college and university mean the same thing, but for the sake of this post, I’ll be using college. If you’re reading this you’re probably almost done with high school, going back to finish college, getting a higher degree, or whatever situation you’re in, you’ve come to the right place!Read More
The Best 13 Financial Tips for College Graduates (or anyone really)
These 13 financial tips for college graduates will set you up for success if you follow at least one or two things on the list. The last four, or five years are finally over! You’re smiling ear to ear to be done with school and ready to get on with your life. No more assignmentsRead More
25 Flexible Ways to Make Money in College
While I was in college, I worked several on-campus jobs during the school year and did internships during the summer. I was always making money on the side to sustain me throughout college. I know as a college student, sometimes there are excuses like “I don’t have time,” or “It’s too much work.” There areRead More